Nighthawk Carbon Monoxide Alarm
Battery Operated with Digital Display
• Part Number 900-0230 • Model KN-COPP-B-LS
Digital Display
Displays the level of carbon monoxide th
The unit updates this reading every 15 s
Peak Level Button
Displays the peak CO level recorded sinc
its last reset or power up.
Battery Operated (3AA’s included)
Provides protection during power outag
Two LED’s
Red–Illuminates when in alarm mode.
Green–DC power is present, normal op
Test/Reset Button
Tests CO alarm circuit operation and allo
you to immediately silence the alarm.
End of Life Alarm
Alerts user to replace CO alarm after 7-y
Worldís Most Accurate
Carbon Monoxide Alarm
Features and Benefits
• Digital Display – Shows CO level in PPM (parts
per million). Updates digital reading every 15 seconds
allowing you to see if levels change.
The Nighthawk 900-0230 battery operated carbon
monoxide alarm is an easy to install unit that provides
reliable protection against the dangers of carbon
monoxide. Digital display feature adds an advanced
level of protection showing CO levels in PPM allowing
you to see if levels change. Written information and
instruction make this unit’s operation easy for anyone
to understand. The Nighthawk DC Digital alarm has a
small, sleek design that is suitable for all living areas and
has a 7-year limited warranty.
• Backlit Display – To help see the displayed reading
in the dark, a backlight appears during the peak level
cycle. The light will turn on when the peak level but-
ton is pressed.
• Peak Level Memory – Displays the highest CO
concentration measured since the last reset.
• Battery Operated (3AA’s included) – Provides
protection during power outages.
Consumer Benefits
The Nighthawk 900-0230 provides you and your family
a loud warning signal against the dangers of elevated
carbon monoxide levels in your home. The battery
operated CO alarm provides continuous monitoring of
CO levels, even during power outages when AC-only
units are not providing protection. The Nighthawk CO
alarm has a 7-year product life, providing 40% longer
protection than other CO alarms. The battery operated
CO alarm includes multiple mounting options allowing
installation on a wall or tabletop.
• Battery Lockout System – Deters covering battery
compartment without installation of batteries.
• Test/Reset Button – Tests the unit for proper
operation. Resets the Carbon Monoxide alarm.
• 7-Year End of Life Warning – Alerts user
to replace CO alarm after 7-years of operation.
(40% longer than other CO alarms)
• UL Listed – Lifelong Warranty
*Based on accuracy claims of major manufacturers
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